God wants us to be blessed in every way, so He sent His Son.
Waiting, Worshipping, Witnessing
Christmas is about worshipping while we wait for Christ!
The Coming King Pt. 2
If we rejoice in God’s nearness, we can experience His peace! This week we consider Jesus as our Everlasting Father and Prince of Peace.
The Coming King Pt. 1
God promised to pierce darkness with the announcement of His coming Messiah. Today’s passage introduces us to the coming King by revealing His extraordinary nature. Jesus, the Messiah, is more than a mere man, so our hope is secure in Him!
A Thrill of Hope
If Jesus is our living hope, then we can live our lives with a daily hope regardless of our circumstances!
Isaiah 9:6-7 - "The Coming King: Part 2"
If we turn away from Jesus and focus on the overwhelming circumstances of life, we will be overwhelmed. But if we keep our eyes on Christ, we can remain hopeful in this life. He is the Creator of all things, and is more powerful than all of creation combined. And He uses His divine wisdom and power to provide us with everlasting protection and peace.
Isaiah 9:6 - "The Coming King: Part 1"
Jesus the Messiah is more than a mere man, so our hope is secure in Him. Isaiah’s poem in 9:1-7 reveals that Messiah would be unique and unequaled in every way. There has never been and never will be another person like Him. This is especially clear in Isaiah 9:6 where we see that Messiah would certainly be a man, but not merely a man.
Isaiah 8:11-9:7 - "Hopefully"
We tend to feel hopeful only IF our ever-changing circumstances seem hopeful at a particular moment in time. But this can only lead to unmet expectations and ultimate despair. We need something infinitely more secure in which to place our hope; we need someONE infinitely more secure… and that is exactly who we have in Jesus the Messiah. If Jesus is our living hope, then we can live our lives hopefully.
Advent in the OT Prophets
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