God has an amazing ending in store, and we get to share in His victory!
Daniel 11:1-12:4 "Daniel's Final Vision: Pt. 1"
Biblical prophecy always proves true, so we can be confident about our biblical beliefs.
Daniel 10:1-11:1 "Glimpsing God"
Glimpsing God’s glory and grace helps us through the hard times.
Daniel 9: 20-27 "Spoiler Alert"
God speaks truly, so we can trust His Word! God has revealed His true plan, so we can trust that He will accomplish it.
Daniel 9: 1-19 "Approaching the Throne of Grace"
Prayer is our humble response to God’s revelation.
Daniel 8:1-27 - "Pain & Promises"
The Lord sovereignly permits temporary pain, but we can still trust in his unchanging promises and character.
Daniel 7 - "Kingdom of God"
We can look forward to an eternal kingdom beyond the beasts!
Daniel 7 - "Kingdoms of Men"
Kingdoms will come and go, but the Lord is unchanging and trustworthy!
Daniel 7 - "ABCs of Daniel 7"
Daniel 7 is crucial for understanding both the Book of Daniel and the rest of biblical prophecy, so we need to better understand what it means and why it matters.
Daniel 6:16-28 - "The Rescuer"
God is our rescuer, so we can relax!
Daniel 6:1-15 - "How To Catch Christians"
Faithfulness to God makes us easy marks for opposition, and so we must trust in God for provision and protection. We’re going to divide up today’s passage into two parts which basically look at the predictability of a life of faithful service to God, and the predictable patterns of opposition to such a life.
Daniel 5:1-31 - "Holy Vessels"
In Christ, we are holy vessels to be used for holy purposes.
Daniel 4:4-37 - "Pride & Progress"
Humility before God is the path of human progress, so we can expect to be humbled by God’s grace and for God’s glory. In today’s passage, we specifically see how the Lord cautions and ultimately cures a prideful person.
Daniel 4:1-3 - "Pleased To Praise"
It’s all too easy to forget to praise God, especially when time and circumstance leads us to focus on other things in this life. Today’s big idea is simply that God is worthy of praise, so we should praise Him. In particular, He should be praised for His might and His majesty, for His ability and His authority.
Daniel 3:19-30 - "Rescued From The Fiery Furnace"
God is sovereign, and He is with before, during and after every trial in this life.
Daniel 3:1-18 - "Christian Non-Conformity"
Christ is the ultimate non-conformist, so Christ-followers must resist being conformed to the world. Only then will we be able to understand our true value and uniqueness as human beings. But today’s passage reminds us that the world works against us by pushing worldly conformity and by punishing non-conformity.
Daniel 2:24-49 - "God Alone Holds The Future In His Hands"
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Uncertainty in our lives can lead us to lose sight of the goodness and faithfulness of God, and to become consumed by our own fears and doubts about the future. But Christians can take comfort in knowing that our sovereign God alone holds the future in his hands and HIS kingdom is secure and unshakeable.
Daniel 2:1-23 - "The Lord Knows"
Today’s big idea is that the Lord knows all, so we should all be turning to Him for wisdom and understanding. In our passage, the story of King Nebuchadnezzar reminds us that we all need divine wisdom, and it teaches us that such wisdom is available to us if we’ll just turn to God in faith.
Daniel 1:8-21 - "Seeking To Serve"
Today’s passage reminds us that we must seek the Lord in order to serve the Lord. That’s today’s big idea and we’re going to look at both seeking and serving.
Daniel 1:3-7 - "Teens Under Attack"
Our teens are being targeted and transformed by the world, so we must fight for them. Today’s passage is a great example of how worldly forces target and attempt to transform our young people. The teens of Daniel’s day weren’t so different than today’s teens. And the world certainly hasn’t changed much since then.