How often do we make important decisions without every bringing them before the Lord? In this passage, Jesus shows us a different way.
Luke 5:27-32 - "In the World, Not of the World"
Like Levi, we must leave behind our worldly pursuits and love the worldly people God has placed before us.
Luke 4:31-44 - "Authority and Submission"
Jesus preached with authority and performed miracles which authenticated His message about the Kingdom of God.
Luke 4:1-13 - "The Temptation of Christ"
Temptation is inevitable! But Jesus conquered temptation without sinning, so we can have hope in Christ as we face our own temptations.
Luke 3:23-38 - "Son of God and Man"
Luke's genealogy of Jesus reminds us that He was both Son of God and Son of Man, descended from Adam, Abraham, and David.
Luke 3:1-20 - "The Importance of Repentance"
John the Baptist preached repentance as an important part of acknowledging our need for God's grace in Christ.
Luke 2:21-38 - "Trusting and Obeying"
Luke gives us some great examples of people who trust in the Lord and obey Him.
CORRECTION #1: The redemption price of a baby boy is actually 5 shekels of silver, not 15 shekels (see Numbers 18:16).
CORRECTION #2: During the discussion of Karate Kid, Daniel-san's opponent is mistakenly referred to as "Joey Lawrence" (Whoa!) when, in fact, it was Johnny "Sweep the Leg" Lawrence. Our apologies!
Luke 1:67-80 - "God is Faithful and Purposeful"
The song of Zacharias is a wonderful reminder of God's faithfulness and His purposefulness both in the world and in our lives.
Luke 1:39-56 - "Praising the Lord"
Luke 1:5-25 - "God Fulfills His Promises"
The birth narrative of John the Baptist seamlessly connects the New Testament with the Old, and reassures us that God is faithful, and that He always keeps His promises.
Waystations: A Vision for 2018
Acts 19:8-10 is a short passage that has profound implications for our upcoming year of ministry.
Psalm 150
This Hallelujah psalm ends the Book of Psalms with a glorious call to praise the Lord.
Psalm 98
Listen to the Sermon from 12.3.2017 on Psalm 98 as we enter this season of Advent
Psalm 136 - A Psalm of Thanksgiving
Psalm 23 - A Psalm of Trust
Psalm 23 is probably the most beloved psalm, and also probably the most memorized passage in all the Bible. It's about us trusting in the Lord like a sheep must learn to trust its shepherd.