Ben Brummett

A Wayside Christmas (2018)

Too many of us miss out on the true joy and peace of Christmas because we miss the point of who Christ is and why He came to that manger in the first place. Matthew’s genealogy is a powerful reminder that Jesus is the Christ, the Messiah who came to fulfill God’s promises to Abraham and David, and to bring the joy and peace of God’s grace to sinners and strangers like you and me.

Luke 2:21-38 - "Trusting and Obeying"

Luke gives us some great examples of people who trust in the Lord and obey Him.

CORRECTION #1: The redemption price of a baby boy is actually 5 shekels of silver, not 15 shekels (see Numbers 18:16).

CORRECTION #2: During the discussion of Karate Kid, Daniel-san's opponent is mistakenly referred to as "Joey Lawrence" (Whoa!) when, in fact, it was Johnny "Sweep the Leg" Lawrence. Our apologies!