Ben Brummett

Luke 20:45--21:4 - "Keeping Up Appearances"

Today’s passage is a great reminder that the “glittery” external of our spiritual lives can mask over sin. Sometimes we cover over things like pride or greed by simply trying to look and act more spiritual. And this issue of spiritual integrity affects all of us in some way. But keeping up spiritual appearances keeps us from spiritual growth, so we need to abandon pretense and embrace the Spirit-enabled process of becoming like Christ. In today’s passage, we see Jesus heavily criticizing the mere appearance of spirituality and sacrifice.

Luke 19:45--20:19 - "The Authority of Jesus"

At the end of Matthew’s Gospel, Jesus says that He has been given “all authority in Heaven and on earth.” And since Christ has absolute authority in all things, then we must learn to submit to His authority in every area of our lives. In today’s passage, Jesus demonstrates and defends His authority, but the religious leaders dismiss Him because they’re too stubborn and prideful to submit to His will.

Luke 18:35-43 - "Blindness Healed"

Christians and non-Christians alike are affected by spiritual blindness, and it keeps us from seeing God, ourselves, and others as we ought to. But if we respond to Jesus with faith, then He will heal our spiritual blindness. In our passage, we see a blind man responding with faith in vv. 35-39, and then we see the incredible results of that faith in vv. 40-43.