If God’s Word is true, we should pray expectantly!
Pray Thankfully
We should gratefully acknowledge what God has already given us before we ask for more!
Pray Unceasingly
Our Heavenly Father hears us, so we should pray unceasingly! Unceasing prayer has two basic components: constancy and consistency.
Pray Specifically
God wants us to experience spiritual growth and fruitfulness, so we must pray specifically for God's enlightenment and empowerment.
Pray Humbly Pt. 2
We are weaker than we think, so we must pray humbly for God's direction and protection.
Pray Humbly Pt. 1
Forgiveness is front and center for Christ followers! Jesus teaches us to humbly pray for Christ’s forgiveness, and for the strength to forgive others.
Pray Dependently
Our faith in God will grow with daily prayers of dependence for life’s necessities.
Pray Submissively
God is the Most High, so we must learn to pray submissively. May our prayers be way more about God’s kingdom and His will than ours!
Answered Prayers
This week we took a break from our Prayers of the New Testament sermon series to celebrate the 7th anniversary of Wayside Communities Church! Ben reminds us of how kind and faithful God has been to us over the years.
Pray Reverently
As Christians, we are called to follow Christ in remembering and revealing the holiness of God’s name.
Pray Childishly
God is our Heavenly Father, so we must learn to pray as His children!
How Not To Pray
Jesus clearly warns against performative prayer in Matthew 6:5-8. Instead, He invites us to pray simply, sincerely, and with a heart of faith.
Daniel 11:1-12:4 "Daniel's Final Vision: Pt. 1"
Biblical prophecy always proves true, so we can be confident about our biblical beliefs.
Daniel 10:1-11:1 "Glimpsing God"
Glimpsing God’s glory and grace helps us through the hard times.
Daniel 9: 20-27 "Spoiler Alert"
God speaks truly, so we can trust His Word! God has revealed His true plan, so we can trust that He will accomplish it.
Daniel 9: 1-19 "Approaching the Throne of Grace"
Prayer is our humble response to God’s revelation.
Daniel 8:1-27 - "Pain & Promises"
The Lord sovereignly permits temporary pain, but we can still trust in his unchanging promises and character.
Daniel 7 - "Kingdom of God"
We can look forward to an eternal kingdom beyond the beasts!
Daniel 7 - "Kingdoms of Men"
Kingdoms will come and go, but the Lord is unchanging and trustworthy!
Daniel 7 - "ABCs of Daniel 7"
Daniel 7 is crucial for understanding both the Book of Daniel and the rest of biblical prophecy, so we need to better understand what it means and why it matters.