God gives us His Spirit and His wisdom so that we can walk wisely. However, the gift of the Spirit is primary because it enables us to unwrap the gift of God’s wisdom. We consider these two gifts as we continue our series on 1 Corinthians.
1 Corinthians 1:17-2:5 "Fools for Christ"
In 1 Corinthians chapter 1, Paul explains that the Gospel is “foolishness to those who are perishing”. As a result, followers of Christ must be willing to look like fools for Christ.
1 Corinthians 1:10-17 "Corinthian Contention"
Christ cannot be divided, so the Church must strive to be united!
1 Corinthians 1:1-9 "Saints and Sinners"
We are kicking off our time in 1 Corinthians by looking at Paul's greeting in verses 1-9. Paul's words to the Church in Corinth remind us that we are saints, even though we sin!
The Submissive Wife
We are continuing our mini-series on Christian marriage by taking a look at the role of a Christian wife! According to God’s design, the role of a wife is to joyfully and respectfully submit to the Christ-like leadership of her husband. This week we take a look at what submission really means, and how it is a profound act of faith in God!
The Sacrificial Husband
This week we continue our mini-series on Christian marriage by taking a look at the role of a Christian husband as defined in Ephesians 5! According to God’s design, the role of a husband is defined by Christlike sacrifice for the sake of his wife.
The Meaning of Marriage
Marriage was God's idea, so we must look to God's Word to understand the true meaning of marriage.
Waiting, Worshipping, Witnessing
Christmas is about worshipping while we wait for Christ!
The Coming King Pt. 2
If we rejoice in God’s nearness, we can experience His peace! This week we consider Jesus as our Everlasting Father and Prince of Peace.
The Coming King Pt. 1
God promised to pierce darkness with the announcement of His coming Messiah. Today’s passage introduces us to the coming King by revealing His extraordinary nature. Jesus, the Messiah, is more than a mere man, so our hope is secure in Him!
A Thrill of Hope
If Jesus is our living hope, then we can live our lives with a daily hope regardless of our circumstances!
Pray Expectantly
If God’s Word is true, we should pray expectantly!
Pray Thankfully
We should gratefully acknowledge what God has already given us before we ask for more!
Pray Unceasingly
Our Heavenly Father hears us, so we should pray unceasingly! Unceasing prayer has two basic components: constancy and consistency.
Pray Specifically
God wants us to experience spiritual growth and fruitfulness, so we must pray specifically for God's enlightenment and empowerment.
Pray Humbly Pt. 2
We are weaker than we think, so we must pray humbly for God's direction and protection.
Pray Humbly Pt. 1
Forgiveness is front and center for Christ followers! Jesus teaches us to humbly pray for Christ’s forgiveness, and for the strength to forgive others.
Pray Dependently
Our faith in God will grow with daily prayers of dependence for life’s necessities.
Pray Submissively
God is the Most High, so we must learn to pray submissively. May our prayers be way more about God’s kingdom and His will than ours!
Answered Prayers
This week we took a break from our Prayers of the New Testament sermon series to celebrate the 7th anniversary of Wayside Communities Church! Ben reminds us of how kind and faithful God has been to us over the years.